Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Aircraft Harmonizers Versus Orgone Pendants Versus Phone Harmonizers

How Does An Aircraft Harmonizer Work?

One option is to carry an Aircraft Harmonizer in your handbag, purse, brief case or backpac.  The Aircraft Harmonizer provides you with 30 metres of Personal Space protection.  We carry one where ever we go, so if the Hair Dresser is blow drying our hair, the harmful energies from the hair drier is being harmonized; or if we are in the supermarket or a shopping centre that all the high levels of harmful energy in these places are being harmonized. 

This this is practical for all the family whether they are going to work, school, or anywhere in fact as long as each person keep theirs within 30 metres of them. It really makes a huge difference when flying too as all of our staff have now verified.

Pink Aircraft Harmonizer

What about solutions are there?

Another option is wearing an Orgone Energy Pendant. These are a great option to keep everyone in your family protected, especially when they are out and about, and doing their own thing.

We also have Orgone Energy Sports Bands for those who do not wish to wear an Orgone Pendant. These are much more popular with boys and men, or very active sports people. These provide 10 metres of protection.

Orgone Energy Pendants

Can I protect my phone specifically?

And for those who are really stubborn, who perhaps would not want to wear something, there are Mobile Phone Radiation Shields, which also act as a personal space harmonizer, giving the person who has one in their Smartphone or iPhone, or even on their Laptop computer as they also act as a Computer Radiation Shield as well as a WiFi Radiation Shield providing 10 meters of personal space protection. 

One of these could be placed in a wallet or schoolbag, and still provide them with protection where ever they go if someone does not have a phone, such as a child.

One lady placed one of these on their Clock Radio beside their bed, and her husband stopped snoring!!!

The Team
Orgonium Orgone Energy