I was wondering if you have an Orgone pendant that will assist with the energies specifically related to the third eye....mine often blocks itself due to habits of negative thinking which i am training myself to un-do....i would love some assistance...
These powerful Orgone Energy Pendants have been shown to seal the Aura, balance the Chakras and heal and detoxify the body, as well as heal Organs and glands (including your Pineal Gland connected with your Third Eye) and purify the body of old negative emotions and thought patterns.
Aura after only 24 Hours Exposure To Orgonium Orgone Energy Pendants |
Hopefully these Orgone pendants are infused with crystals as well as the materials needed for orgone production in which case please suggest a pendant whos crystals assist the third eye?
You do not want anything that contains crystals on your body as firstly, they accumulate all the harmful energy around you and resonate this instead, and secondly, they have polarity just like magnets with a positive and negative sides which when placed over organs, glands or muscles in your body will switch these off.Orgonium Orgone Pendants |
One thing to particularly note is that your Hypothalamus (Master Gland) is most likely being affected by Radiation, which will interfere with your Third Eye. Therefore having any Radiation Protection on you or around you will protect you from this occurring.
Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin, KNA, AKA, NAET Adv.II
Orgone Energy Healing