Monday, September 15, 2014

Placing Your Orgone Generator Or Schumann Generator On A Hard Surface For Effectiveness

Is there much difference in effect if placed on a large metal volume object like a refrigerator or furnace, compared to placing a Dome Schumann Orgone Generator on a thin metal cookie tin sheet?

It would not make any difference whether the metal item is large or small, as it is the surface the counts here. The energy field created would be the same from any of these hard surface areas and it is not to do with the thickness of surface.

Pink Dome Schumann Orgone Generator

If I place a Schumann Orgone Generator inside my refrigerator on a glass shelf to prolong the life of the food, is the Schumann Orgone Generator still harmonizing my home, or do I need a second Generator placed outside the refrigerator? 

We have now included the energy field coverage area for a lot of these Orgone Products now. You can view all these in the Product Summary at: then scroll down to where all the products are listed.

Your Orgone Products will penetrate through the walls of your refrigerator; therefore it does not matter whether it is inside or outside your refrigerator.

Usually one large Orgone Generator Plate or one Dome Orgone Schumann Generator would do your entire Refrigerator inside and out, including all the surrounding area it covers, unless the mental is totally enclosed creating in a Faraday Cage.

Buiddha And Kwan Yin Schumann Generators

What type Schuman Orgone Generator is best for inside the refrigerator?

Any of the Orgonum Orgone Schumann Generators are suitable for your Refrigerator, however the best ones would be the large Orgone Generator Plate or a Dome Schumann Orgone Generator.

Some customers do use their Aircraft Harmonizer, Kwan Yin or Buddha Schumann Generator, and even a small Orgone Generator plates to energize their food and drinks inside your refrigerator although some of these have a small energy field.

Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin,
Orgone Energy Australia

Friday, September 12, 2014

Where Do I Place My Schumann Generators?

Buddha And Kwin Yin Schumann Generators

Since the 400 meter grid crossing goes east west and the water vein goes north south, can I place just my Schumann Generator then in the middle of the unit, where the east west and north south lines intersect?  My unit is a large studio which is around 50 square metres

Yes that may be a great place to put your Orgone Schumann Generator if these harmful energy grids do indeed cross over there, or you can place them anywhere the energy feels particularly bad.

The best way to test for where to place them would be using Kinesiology, Dowsing Rods or a Pendulum.

However, as your unit is large you may be best to place a Dome Orgone Schumann Generator on each of these harmful energy grids depending on where they are.

One of the 400 Meter Grid Crossing and one of the Water Vein for the best results as they may not be in the same location nor cross over, and especially as you are very sensitive to these at present.

400 Meter Grid Crossing References

What Are 400 Meter Grid Crossings?
What is the most harmful energy to affect us?

One corner of my unit is over the building power boxes (no Smart Meters yet!), so a Schumann Generator there might be a good idea perhaps?

Yes, it is a great idea to place a Dome Orgone Schumann Generator where any electrical power boards are, as many people are affected by these, especially as they are usually on the wall of the Master Bedroom in most homes.

I do not have a Digital Television deliberately due to the information about the spike of energy when they are turned off is rather chilling. Is this correct?

Actually it is not an Energy Spike that turning off a Digital Television radiation creates, it is Smart Meters generate these the nasty energy spikes every 10 to 20 seconds.

Digital Television radiation creates an imprinted in the shape of a beam, from around 200 to 400 hundred metres out in front of them when switched off.

Karen Winter Dip.HSc.Kin.
Orgone Energy Australia

Monday, September 1, 2014

Crystals, The Third Eye, The Pineal Gland, Orgone Pendants And Radiation Protection

I was wondering if you have an Orgone pendant that will assist with the energies specifically related to the third eye....mine often blocks itself due to habits of negative thinking which i am training myself to un-do....i would love some assistance...

These incredibly protective Orgone Energy Pendant only generate beneficial Negative Ion resonance and work to eliminate harmful Positive Ions from environment around you.

These powerful Orgone Energy Pendants have been shown to seal the Aura, balance the Chakras and heal and detoxify the body, as well as heal Organs and glands (including your Pineal Gland connected with your Third Eye) and purify the body of old negative emotions and thought patterns.

Aura after only 24 Hours Exposure To Orgonium Orgone Energy Pendants

Hopefully these Orgone pendants are infused with crystals as well as the materials needed for orgone production in which case please suggest a pendant whos crystals assist the third eye?

You do not want anything that contains crystals on your body as firstly, they accumulate all the harmful energy around you and resonate this instead, and secondly, they have polarity just like magnets with a positive and negative sides which when placed over organs, glands or muscles in your body will switch these off.

Orgonium Orgone Pendants
 We have specifically engineered these Orgonium Orgone Energy Pendants to have two positive sides to prevent this as explained below.

One thing to particularly note is that your Hypothalamus (Master Gland) is most likely being affected by Radiation, which will interfere with your Third Eye. Therefore having any Radiation Protection on you or around you will protect you from this occurring.

Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin, KNA, AKA, NAET Adv.II 
Orgone Energy Healing