Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What Is The Best Way To Test My Geoclense Negative Ion Generator

Why a Negative Ion counter may not actually work, nor be effective when testing "Negative Ion Resonance".

Our Technical Advisor states that a Lechter Antenna (see image below) is a better way to test Negative Ion resonance.  He also states that Ion meters are calibrated to measure needle Negative Ion generators, nor Negative Ion Resonance Generators.

As the Geoclense Negative Ion Generator is not a needle Negative Ion generator, it is an ionic resonance device which produces a negative ion resonance, which is what a needle generator also produces to some extent. The Geoclense Negative Ion Generator produces negative ion resonance that balances the harmful effects of radiation, and not the actual negative ions.

Independent Geoclense Research from Switzerland

When using the Geoclense Negative Ion Generator and measuring with the Lecher Antenna, our overseas independent tester can have confirmed very impressive frequencies.

To see the independent results from one of our customers in Switzerland which is on our website at:

Science Does Not Have Technology To Measure EVERYTHING

Science is not able explain this very well because they do not understand fully the principles of a Resonance field. Also, negative ions can float around so sometimes you may not even get a reading with a needle generator as we have found when with our Air Ion testing.  To perform the tests properly you require an Ion Tester that is grounded and you also need to know when to read the negative ion because they tend to fluctuate dramatically. 

Using An Ion Tester  

We have been able to successfully get readings of around 2000 ions with the Geoclense Orgone Generator with a non grounding type negative ion tester, although the readings did fluctuate dramatically which is a problem using Ion testers.

Before And After Orgone Exposure On GDV Bio Resonance Device

The best way to test is to use a Lecher Antenna or Bio Resonance device testing (which is what our Independent research report is based on) to demonstrate the effect of removing organ stress caused by harmful positive ions created by an electromagnetic fields and other forms of harmful energy

Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin,
Orgone Energy Australia