Bad Stomach Craps and Terrible Headaches Went Away With Orgone Energy
12 March 2013
Hi. I got my
Geoclense Orgone Generator and Orgone Pendant yesterday morning, and plugged my
Geoclense Orgone Generator in first thing. I had had bad stomach cramps whenever I have any bowel movements, and I have been getting these recently. Anyway, these stomach cramps they vanished. I had been experiencing terrible backaches too, most likely from the same cause and they went too.
All day I felt very relaxed. I noticed that it was almost like after I had taken a strong drug, because I was sleepy all day and so was my boyfriend Randy. Anyway, he did not suspect that the cause may have been the
Geoclense Orgone Generator, as there is never enough proof for him. He said that there was not enough research for him, so he is still sceptical, although I am not though!
We have freshness in the air quality and things are more vibrant - like the grass. Randy swears he does not notice, but it its! I usually have a hard time getting up in the mornings. When I lived in Wn State, I never had that trouble, but then again, we never had antenna towers all over the place as they do here in Texas. For over a million plus people in Dallas, we had 25,000 antennas.
Anyhow, I got up at 9:00 am instead of 12 noon. Last night a bomb could have gone off and we would not have woken up. Lol. Anyway, thank God for your Orgone Products! I intend on getting the Dome Orgone Generator soon, as we just have to so many people here using cell phones, laptops, etc.
No Long Gets Big Bruises
13 March 2013
This is my update for the 13th. Okay! I went to sleep late and noticed that I had many cold sweats, but sleep deeply. I woke up at 10:00am exactly. I have a few bruises as I run into the edge of the bed. I have always bruised easily since I have epilepsy, and they usually get very huge no matter what. However, this time these bruises are now very small and I really like that. I know that this is due to your Orgone products. I just wanted to keep you informed about my progress.
No More Pain In Wrist From Broken Bones
14 March 2013
When I was 35, I broke two bones in my left wrist, and I was told that I would suffer from arthritis later in life. Well I am 60 now and since I moved to Texas, my left wrist became almost useless. I found that within just six months of living here, that I could not put any pressure on it such leaning on it to get out of bed, or opening a simple bottle or anything that required the least bit of pressure. These things would cause it to throb like a bad headache if I even tried.
Well tonight at 10:45pm, I was tired so I got into bed- ex "insomnia member". Therefore, I now take advantage of what the
Geoclense Orgone Generator and my Orgone Pendant are doing for me by allowing me to go to sleep, and without thinking about it. I leaned with normal weight on my left wrist so that I could slide out of bed easier. To my surprise, there was "no pain in my wrist or even slight discomfort" I am almost afraid to mention it in case it is not 100% real and I am imagining it!
Randy seems to be sleeping now. He says he sleeps like the dead and sleeps less than he would, which is a "good thing" as he took six-hour naps. Now he only takes two-hour naps. Anyway, I am more pleased then you can imagine.
Bowel Movements Now Normal, No More Cramps, No More Hot And Cold Sweats
15 March 2013
I have some more to share with you - remember the issues with my bowel movements. Well doctors put me though all those unnecessary tests and wasted thousands of dollars, and they still are without any answer as to why after over 50 tests, and very invasive tests too. Well I did as you suggested and now I drink 9 to 10 glasses of filtered water a day.
But before, without my
Geocleanse Orgone Generator and Orgone Pendant, I had a lot of high blood pressure, numbness on the side of my face, tongue and along my throat. I would be dizzy, to the point of almost passing out. I used to have hot and cold chills and sweats, threw up a lot, and then I would be lethargic and in bed for two days.
Now I put my Orgone Pendant on the areas that get affected, and have had almost normal bowel movements, and the best of all, no cramps, no hot and cold sweats, and I am not lethargicwhatsoever. I just cannot believe that these Orgone products are doing so much for me. I pray that this helps give people hope in these Orgone products, because I know that they work.
Lazy Eye Totally Gone - Birds Nesting Outside Home And More Wildlife Around Home
1 April 2013
My Orgone products has done something I never expected, and I am sure you would not expect this either. When I was 23 years old, I got what an Eye Specialist called "Lazy Eye” in my left eye. In short, it drooped a lot and the skin bunched up and sagged, and it was hard to see out of. In one week from getting my Orgone Products, my Lazy Eye was totally gone and now it is as if it was never there.
I have talked other people into giving these Orgone products a shot, as they have a lot of stress in their lives. One is in Mn state and he is 30. He got the Dome Orgone Generators, and he has one on his desk in his office and one at home. He is noticing that he has a lot more calmness, and that the birds are nesting outside his home when the never did before. Lol Another friend, who is closer to my age, has more peace in their life, and is noticing that the animals are coming around their home now. I told them you guys Rock! I just wish everyone would try your amazing Orgone products – they will notice a huge difference. Samera K., DallasTexas, USA