Using Cell Phone Radiation Shields
Recently we streamlined our new Cell Phone Radiation Shields so that it can be used with all small electronic devices no matter what size, shape or form, to protect you from the harmful energy of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation emitted by these devices.ALL the information about how to use our highly protective Cell Phone Radiation Shields are now at:
Place One Between Under The Battery Cover

You Can Place Your Phone Radiation Shield Inside Your Phone Battery Cover
These highly effective Cell Phone Radiation Shields are now BOTH Adhesive (Stick On) and Non-Adhesive (Non-Stick On) therefore they can be peeled off to stick onto a device, placed inside any device under the battery cover, or placed in between the device and its protective cover.
Stick Them Onto The Back Of Your Phone
You May Peel Your Radiation Shield Off And Stick It Onto The Back Of Your iPhone, iPad, iPod , Blackberry, Cell Phone Or Mobille Phone
Place Them Between The Cover And The Cell Phone
Or You May Place Your Cell Phone Mobile Phone Radiation Shield Inside Your iPhone's Protective Cover so that is is in between your iPhone And Its Cover
Your Cell Phone Radiation Shields can now be transferred every time you get a new phone, we suggest you place your EMF Radiation Shield either underneath the battery cover if you have one, or in between your cell phone, mobile phone or iphone and its protective cover.
This way, every time you get a new electronic device, you can transfer it over and never have to purchase another Cell Phone Radiation Shield ever again. However, if you peel it off and stick it onto something, then you would need to get a new Phone Radiation Shield new time you get a new device.
The Team
Orgone Energy Australia