Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Comparison Of Orgonium Orgone Dome, Plate, Geoclense, Pendant, Wand And Wristband

Does Dome Orgone Schumann Generator will give me the same amount of Positive Ions as the Ener-Wand?

The Dome Orgone Schumann Orgone Generator gives off a far greater amount of healthy Negative Ions than the Orgone Ionic Wand does, as it is a far more powerful product. The Orgone Ionic Wand provides you with 10 metres of protection.

Once you place your Dome Orgone Schumann Generator Orgone Generator on hard surface such as metal, it will magnify its energy field of Negative ions greatly up to 80 or 100 metres of protection.

Will the Dome Orgone Schumann Generator charge or ionize water and food?

Of course - absolutely!  Especially if you place your Dome Orgone Schumann Generator Orgone Generator on top of your refrigerator or a hard metal surface such as your stainless steel kitchen bench, on wood or ceramic tiles to magnify its Negative Ion energy field to the area above.

Will the Dome Orgone Schumann Generator harmonize and neutralize Geopathic stress a little?

No not a little but completely within the energy field it covers.  In fact your Dome Orgone Schumann Generator will harmonize and neutralize an entire flat, apartment or small offices! 

These highly effective Orgonium Orgone Energy products turn all harmful Positive Ions into healthy Negative Ions as per this list:

And will the Dome Orgone Schumann Generator shield the harm of cell and computer?

Actually they do way better then "shield"!  .All of these highly effective Orgonium Orgone Energy completely harmonizes and neutralizes all harmful energies including all small electronic devices, all computers and all wireless or Wi-Fi radiation, reducing all the harmful effects on the physiology of your body, as per list at the link above.   

Note that Radiation Shielding is dangerous as it causes the radiation emitting devices to work hard, emitting much greater levels of radiation!

I been told that the Dome Orgone Schumann Generator, is the strongest portable device in compare to the other Orgone devices.  I am curious to what extent?

Yes.  The Dome Orgone Schumann Generator is the strongest portable device that is active in transit. The Geoclense Orgone Generator is the strongest portable device, however, it does not provide much protection in transit, but it does as soon as you plug it into a power point upon arrival.

In fact, the Geoclense Orgone Generator is currently the World's Best Orgone Generator, and the nearest comparable product only does a fraction of what this product does which is USD$700.00. Our Geoclense Orgone Generator is only AUD$151.95 (+ shipping) and does 3000% more than the other device.

The Geoclense Orgone Generator covers your entire property to the boundary of your property title(s). It has been found to harmonize an entire office building and 1000 acres of a farm.

Will The Geoclense Orgone Generator charge or ionize water, the same as the water energizer ionizer does?

The Geoclense Orgone Generator harmonizes ALL water on your entire property including underground water veins, water in your tanks, water coming through your pipes, as well as all your sewerage, grey water and black water.

The Dome Orgone Schumann Generator will cover these if they fall within its energy field, such as for a flat, apartment or small office.

Orgone Wrist Bands

What Size Field Of Negative Ions Does The Orgone Energy Wrist Band and Quantum Orgone Pendant Provide?

The Orgone Pendant, the Orgone Wristband and Orgone Ionic Wand all provide 10 of Personal Space Protection.  Whereas a Dome Orgone Schumann Generator provides anything from 20 to 80 metres.

The Geoclense Orgone Generator has been found to cover 1000+ acres of a farm or an entire office tower. These really cannot be compared as they are different Orgone Products with totally different functions.

Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin,
Orgone Energy Australia

Monday, May 11, 2015

Will My Geoclense Negative Ion Generator Work As A Travel EMF Protector?

Can I take my Geoclense Negative Ion Generator when going to visit a friends or relatives homes and plug it in when I arrive and when I leave I unplug and take it back into my home?

You would not usually unplug your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator from your home to take it with you to visit friends for a short time, unless of course you wish to have them experience it and clear their home for them while you are there, but generally you would not take it with you for a short visit.

However, you may wish to take your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator away with you when you are travelling such as on business or vacation, and then plug it in where you are staying.

Is there some delay before the Geoclense Negative Ion Generator works?

There is no time delay for the Geoclense Negative Ion Generator to work, as it will begin
to work immediately to it plugged into an active point point socket, and anyone who is energy sensitive will feel it right away.

However, some properties and buildings may require more time than others to completely harmonize and neutralize whatever issues are going on there. This may take anything from a few hours, to a few days, to several months.

The Geoclense Negative Ion Generator

My neighbours have those nasty WiFi routers I am sure some of them are using microwave ovens, cell phones and cordless phones.  Will my Geoclense Negative Ion neutralize the area inside my apartment, and my neighbours apartments next door who are behind a wall or above ceiling?

Most likely as most apartment buildings are usually on one property title or deed, therefore your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator will be protection the entire building.

If your entire building is on one property title, then your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator will harmonize and neutralize everyone else's units, as well as your own, all the way to the surrounding land to the boundary fences of the property title or deed that all the units stand on.

Why WiFi Routers require to be turned off when not in use

Does my Geoclense Negative Ion Generator work when I travel?

An Aircraft Travel EMF Protector is for protecting you whilst travelling, as a Geoclense Negative Ion Generator is not what it is designed to do, as when it is unplugged it only resonates around 500mm of Negative Ion Resonance.  Therefore, it will not provide you with much protection whilst you are in transit. You would require an Aircraft Travel EMF Protector to do this.

You may take it with your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator with you when you travel, and it will work where you plug it in at your destination for protection where you are staying.

Aircraft Travel EMF Protector

Will Geoclense Orgone Generator work everywhere I plug it in, regardless how many different addresses that has been used?

Yes that is correct. Your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator work anywhere it is plugged in, as your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator is not programmed to any specific address and can be used at as many locations you desire to plug it into.

My daughter is just pregnant. Is the Geoclense Negative Ion Generator safe and harmless for the embryo/foetus development and Mother throughout pregnancy?

Your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator only resonates healthy, healing, beneficial Negative Ions which is what is found in Nature when it is unspoiled.

Being up in the mountains, being at the seaside, or a beautiful place in nature would not be detrimental to a pregnant mother. The Geoclense Negative Ion Generator is only ever resonating the same natural energy frequencies of Orgone Energy and Schumann Frequencies, therefore would be doing more healing than anything else.

Your pregnant daughter has the best protection possible with these high efficacy Orgone Products providing her the necessary protection she requires while she is pregnant.

One of the world's leading Health Professionals in this field, has clearly proven that pregnant mothers sleeping in where there are high levels of electromagnetic radiation and harmful energy, states that this is the leading cause of Autism as you will see in this You Tube link below:

Karen Winter, Dip.HSc.Kin
Orgone Energy Healing